Concerned about screen time? Explore weekly boarding program

excessive screen time

In the bustling city of Ahmedabad, parents often grapple with the challenge of excessive screen time among their children. Green Valley School, nestled in the serene environs of Gandhinagar, offers a unique remedy through its weekly boarding program.

Balancing Digital Exposure with Weekly Boarding:  Green Valley School in Gandhinagar offers a solution tailored to the needs of families in Ahmedabad. Our weekly boarding program provides a structured environment that fosters a healthy balance between academics, personal growth, and responsible digital habits.

Structured Engagement Beyond Screens: For parents navigating the challenges of screen time at different ages, our weekly boarding program ensures that students engage in a variety of activities beyond digital screens. This structured approach encourages a balanced lifestyle and meaningful interactions.

Holistic Development in a Digital Age: Our commitment to holistic development extends to fostering a positive relationship with technology. The weekly boarding environment provides opportunities for students to explore diverse interests, reducing the reliance on screens for entertainment.

Encouraging Lifelong Learning: Green Valley School’s weekly boarding program goes beyond addressing immediate concerns about screen time. It fosters a culture of lifelong learning, instilling curiosity and a love for knowledge in each student. By providing a conducive environment for academic exploration and personal development, we empower students to become lifelong learners, equipped to navigate the challenges of the digital age with resilience and wisdom. Join us on this educational journey at Green Valley School in Gandhinagar, where every week nurtures not only academic growth but also a passion for continuous learning.

A Week of Growth, Away from Screens! Choosing Green Valley School’s weekly boarding program is choosing a week of learning, growth, and balance. Join us in Gandhinagar’s journey toward a more mindful approach to screen time at Green Valley School, where every week offers a unique opportunity for your child to thrive.