Counselling For Children

A child experiences so many things in such a short period of time that we frequently overlook about their mental health. Well, not at Green Valley, anyhow. We address any difficulty a kid might encounter, whether it is basic guidance and counselling for children in the classroom or mentoring the student through a challenging situation. We are always there for them.

Need for counselling in school

Students today experience significant social pressure to succeed academically. The majority of students are lacking a feeling of purpose, fulfilment, and direction. and engage in harmful behaviours that cause loss and harm to society. The only way to lead young people in the right directions and assist them in achieving their goals of optimum academic, personal, and social development is to provide them with adequate guidance and counselling services. The main goals of educational guidance and school counselling are to support students in finding solutions to their difficulties and to improve their ability to focus and learn.

Role of School Counsellors

Counselors are specially trained in how to assist children in finding answers to questions and issues, making decisions, and standing up for themselves. Your school counsellor is there for you and wants to help you have the greatest possible experience at school. The counselor’s role is to listen carefully to your child’s issue and assist in coming up with a solution. Additionally, the counsellor wishes to assist your child in gaining as much knowledge as possible in the classroom, in contributing to the school community, and in having a beneficial impact on the environment.

Counselors play an important role in schools by providing academic guidance, career counseling, emotional support, and social skills development. They help students make informed decisions about their education and provide resources and referrals when needed. By doing so, they can help ensure that all students have the best chance at success in school and beyond.